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I Will Fight For:
- No new tax increases, Harrisburg must be fiscally responsible for our spending
- Eliminate school property taxes, the least we could do is eliminate them for seniors over 65
Job Creation
- Cut business payroll taxes for new hires
- Spend on Public Works with investments in roads and bridges which is desperately needed in PA
Senior Citizens
- Protect seniors from physical, emotional, financial, and sexual abuse
- Stop fraud and scam attacks on Seniors
Women's Reproductive Rights
- I will always protect and stand with a women’s right to choose
- Stop disparities in healthcare based on your zip code
Fair Wages
- Raise the minimum wage, it’s long overdue
- I believe there is a compromise out there that could get us to $10.00 from $7.25
- Increased spending on Pre-K so our children can develop faster in literacy, language and math
- Increased spending on K-12 with all new money going toward the fair funding formula, which means more funding for Reading, Muhlenberg, Exeter and Antietam High School District
- Increased spending for Higher Education, focusing more on increased funding for our PA State System of Higher Education, PASSHE. We must make college more affordable for our students.
Small Business Sector Growth
- Reduce the corporate net income tax from 9.99 to under 5
- Provide the right levels of support to new business owners, making their transition seamless into the marketplace
Welfare Reform
- Reduce the number of individuals dependent on government assistance
- Keep the system affordable
- Assist recipients to become self-sufficient
The Protection Of Children
- This has been a staple of time in office
- In 2019, we passed milestone legislation eliminating criminal statutes of limitation on childhood sexual abuse and increased the civil statutes from age 30 to 55 years old
- Our children are our greatest assets and resources, we must do everything to educate them and protect them in the same breath
Animal Welfare
- Support provisions for proper care and management for all animals
- Every animal deserves to have a good life free from abuse and promote adopting animals from shelters
Infrastructure Improvement and Expansion
- Continue to invest in new roads, bridges, surface transportation, and broadband
- Bring back passenger rail from Reading to Philadelphia
- Investments will also help to connect the supply chains and efficiently move goods and services
Safe Communities
- Create a place where people can live, work, and play without fear or risk of injury
Term Limits and Legislative Size Reduction
- I voted yes to reduce the size of the legislature for both the Senate and House, only to have the Senate kill the bill both times
- I support term limits to help curb lobbyists and dark money to legislators who tend to stay in office too long. I believe ten terms or 20 years should be the limit. That way you have time to get your priorities done but not there long enough to get entrenched
Fiscal Responsibility
- We should never spend more than we have. Just like every one of my constituents, they have a checkbook with a limited amount of money and must spend within those parameters. We must do the same here in Harrisburg. We must make sure there is no waste anywhere before one more dollar is spent
Youth Homelessness
- Berks County has over 3500 youth’s that are currently homeless
- Provide those youth’s with cost free identification and services, which include housing, food and clothes
- Promote and introduce legislation that will create systemic change and break that cycle

Please let me know what issues are most important to you.